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Corrections, Retractions, and Editorial Expressions Process

EBPCA is committed to maintaining high standards of integrity and quality in its publications. We acknowledge that, in certain circumstances, situations may arise that require corrections, retractions, or editorial expressions of concern. Our process for addressing these cases is guided by the following principles:

Transparency and Accountability: Any correction, retraction, or editorial expression of concern will be treated with transparency and accountability by the EBPCA editorial team.

Request for Changes: Authors have the right to request changes to their submission before publication. Such requests must be made by the corresponding author and should be accompanied by a clear justification.

Proper Communication: All requests for corrections, retractions, or editorial expressions of concern must be adequately communicated to the affected authors and the academic community, as appropriate.

Written Confirmation: Requests for changes in authorship must be accompanied by the reason for the change, and all affected authors must confirm in writing.

Our goal is to ensure the integrity and reliability of our publications, maintaining a clear and transparent process.