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Higher Education: Democratic Management with Analysis of Current Trends and Challenges for the Integration of Family and Community at Professor Soares Ferreira State School


Title: Higher Education: Democratic Management with Analysis of Current Trends and Challenges for the Integration of Family and Community at Professor Soares Ferreira State School

Author: José Henrique Soares Ferreira

Publisher: EBPCA – Brazilian Publisher of Scientific Publication Aluz

Chief Editor: Bárbara Aline Ferreira Assunção

Place of Publication: São Paulo

Year of Publication: 2024

Number of Pages: 97 pages

ISBN: 978-65-85931-09-0

DOI: 10.51473/

This study analyzes democratic management in higher education, focusing on Professor Soares Ferreira State School. It explores current trends in educational management and the challenges faced in integrating family and community into the school. With an interdisciplinary approach, the work seeks to promote equal opportunities and improve learning processes.