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Research Ethics Policy

Before submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included in the submission, such as photographs, documents, and datasets. All authors identified in the submission must consent to being identified as authors. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee according to the legal requirements of the country of the study.

Responsibility of Corresponding Author: The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the submitted data comply with ethical and scientific standards. They must provide complete information, including phone and email, to facilitate communication during the review and publication process.

Ethical and Legal Considerations:

Data should not contain fraudulent or fabricated information.
Any conflict of interest should be reported.
The source of funding for data collection should be disclosed.
Works should adhere to ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration for medical research involving human subjects.
Authors must ensure the absence of fraudulent data or results, report conflicts of interest, and disclose funding sources.

This policy aims to ensure the quality and ethics of publications at EBPCA and promote excellence in research dissemination. Authors are encouraged to strictly adhere to these guidelines to facilitate the editorial process.