
  • L.F Braga Author
  • C.H de Oliveira Author
  • W.P Ribeiro Author
  • T.G Brito Author
  • J.de Nadae Author




Optimization; Duplex steel; RSM; Milling


 One of the main production processes used in the metalworking industry is end milling. Thistechnique is 
used in the manufacture of automotive parts, molds and work tools in general. Duplex steel is a metallic alloy 
basically composed of 20% to 30% chromium and 5 to 10% nickel, with very low carbon content (less than 0.03%) 
and with additions of nitrogen, molybdenum, tungsten and copper. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a
statistical technique used for modeling and analyzing problems in which the response variable is influenced by 
several factors, the objective of which is to optimize this response. The objective is to present a literature review 
focused on work that was carried out by modeling and optimizing the steel end milling process using RSM, seeking 
to identify the evolution of the topic over the years and gaps for improvement. To achieve this objective, the 
Systematic Literature Review was applied, which is a transparent, scientific and replicable method for carrying out
the literature review.


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How to Cite

BRAGA, L.F; DE OLIVEIRA, C.H; RIBEIRO, W.P; BRITO, T.G; NADAE, J.de. EMPIRICAL STUDY ON MODELING AND OPTIMIZATION OF THE DUPLEXSTEELMILLING PROCESS: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.542. Disponível em: https://submissoesrevistacientificaosaber.com/index.php/rcmos/article/view/542.. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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