Article Processing Charges (APCs)

This journal implements the following fees for authors:

Standard Publication Fee: R$200.00 (Brazilian Real)

Authors are not subject to fees during the article submission phase. Payment of the APC (Article Processing Charge) provides resources to the editors to maintain the exceptional quality of the journal, ensuring a high level of service to readers and users. The funds collected are invested in server maintenance, issuance of DOI identifiers, and continuous improvement of layout/editing.

Payment Details:

1) Transfer/Deposit/DOC or Pix to NuBank:
Bank: 260, Agency: 0001, Checking Account: 73538608-3.
In the name of: Barbara Aline Ferreira Assuncao 921 /BF88.
CNPJ: 30006249000175.

After payment, it is necessary to send a copy of the receipt as a supplementary file through the journal's system.

Our PIX Key is CNPJ: 30006249000175.

2) Payment via PayPal:
We accept payment of the publication fee through PayPal, using credit cards or a PayPal account. In this case, please inform in the "Comments to the Editor" that payment was made via PayPal.

Publication will not proceed without the appropriate copy of the receipt.


Discounts and Waivers of Fee (APC)

At the Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, we are committed to promoting research and education worldwide, especially in regions where access to resources is limited. We recognize the challenges faced by authors from the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) and believe that the publication of their research can have a significant impact on the advancement of scientific knowledge.

With the aim of encouraging and supporting the participation of PALOP authors, we are pleased to offer discounts or waivers on publication fees. We understand that many researchers in these countries may face financial constraints, and we want to ensure that they have the opportunity to share their findings with the global scientific community.

If you are an author from the PALOP and are interested in publishing in the Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, please contact us to learn more about the discounts or waivers available. We are here to support you in your academic journey and look forward to receiving your contributions to the advancement of knowledge in your respective research areas.

Together, we can make a difference in building a more just and equitable world, where access to scientific knowledge is universal.