
  • Gerre Zebedias Samo Sithole Author
  • Hipolito da Catarina Antonio João Dias Author
  • Jaime Ernesto Naene Author
  • Carlos José Domingos Alface Author



Cabbage. Aphids. Cabbage caterpillars. Pesticide. Nicotine


The present study is the result of an experimental research that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of tobacco extract as a pesticide to combat cabbage caterpillars and aphids in the Administrative Post of Matsinho. In order to understand the research data, the methodology consisted of bibliographical research and field work, with a sample made of seven cabbage beds, treated in turn in a different way. Based on direct observation, it was possible to conclude that tobacco extracts prepared at 0.1 kg/l undiluted and diluted by half are efficient in combating cabbage caterpillars and aphids causing collateral damage to cabbage, while those diluted at 25% despite the slow action, were equally efficient and more suitable to be used as a pesticide to combat aphids and cabbage caterpillars as they do not cause constraints to this crop. Given the relevance of the study, it is suggested that research be carried out on the effectiveness of tobacco extract in combating other pests of various agricultural crops.


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How to Cite

SITHOLE, Gerre Zebedias Samo; DIAS, Hipolito da Catarina Antonio João; NAENE, Jaime Ernesto; ALFACE, Carlos José Domingos. USE OF TOBACCO EXTRACT AS A PESTICIDE FOR COMBATING CABBAGE WORMS AND APHIDS: A CASE STUDY OF THE MATSINHO ADMINISTRATIVE POST. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.501. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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