
  • Marcus Vinícius Piedade de Alcântara Author
  • Rebecca Oliveira Bezerra Author
  • Samela da Silva oliveira Author



venous: insufficiency, ocher dermatitis, thromboembolism.


Chronic venous insufficiency is mostly idiopathic in nature and, in these cases, is called primary insufficiency. Another large part of cases of venous insufficiency is a consequence of a sequelae of DVT, in which case the venous insufficiency is called secondary. The striking clinical characteristics of venous insufficiency include: a feeling of tiredness or pain in the legs and edema that worsen in na upright position, more evident in the afternoon. Symptoms improve with elevation of the limb. Late changes in venous insufficiency include skin hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis and venous ulcers. The diagnosis is clinical and can be confirmed using color Doppler ultrasound. All patients with venous insufficiency should be treated by applying elastic stockings or compression bandages, in addition to elevating the limb three to four times a day, plantar flexion exercises and skin care. Venous ulcers should be treated using the same general measures recommended for chronic venous insufficiency, in addition to local wound care, such as dressing changes and debridement of devitalized tissues. The use of systemic antibiotic therapy is only foreseen in the presence of na active infection.


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Author Biographies

  • Marcus Vinícius Piedade de Alcântara

    Medico pelo Centro Universitário do Pará(CESUPA)

  • Rebecca Oliveira Bezerra

    Medicina pelo Centro Universitário Christus

  • Samela da Silva oliveira

    Médica pela Pucpr


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How to Cite

DE ALCÂNTARA, Marcus Vinícius Piedade; BEZERRA, Rebecca Oliveira; OLIVEIRA, Samela da Silva. THE SEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHRONIC VENOUS DISEASE. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.523. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.