Prototype for Document Retrieval for the Military Police of Paraná about the Community Mediation as a Tool for Proximity Policing in Brazil: An Analysis of Implementation in the Military Police and Future Perspectives
Prototype for Document Retrieval for the Military Police of Paraná about the Community Mediation as a Tool for Proximity Policing in Brazil: An Analysis of Implementation in the Military Police and Future Perspectives
This article investigates the implementation of community mediation as a tool for proximity policing in the Brazilian Military Police, analyzing its challenges, potentialities, and future perspectives. The relevance of this theme lies in the search for alternatives to the traditional model of public security, often criticized for its emphasis on repression and the use of force, to the detriment of prevention and dialogue with the community. The research, exploratory in nature and based on a bibliographic review, examines the legal and institutional framework of community mediation in Brazil, the structuring of Community Mediation Centers (NUMECs) in the Military Police, the types of conflicts mediated, and the challenges and potentialities of the tool. The results indicate that, although in the consolidation phase and still facing challenges such as cultural resistance within the corporation and the need for greater investment, community mediation shows promising results in reducing crime, improving the institutional image of the Military Police, and building a culture of peace. The article argues that community mediation, implemented strategically and in partnership with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Judiciary, and other social institutions, can strengthen proximity policing, making it more citizen-oriented, dialogical, and closer to the community, in addition to contributing to social justice and cohesion.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Bianka Karen Baudi Costa (Autor/in)
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