
  • Marcia Helena Rodrigues Velloso Autor/in




Quimioterápicos. Métodos In Silico. Docking Molecular. Dinâmica Molecular. QSAR


Este artigo explora o uso de ferramentas in silico no desenvolvimento de quimioterápicos, destacando sua capacidade de acelerar a descoberta e otimização de novos tratamentos contra o câncer. Através de técnicas como docking molecular, dinâmica molecular, QSAR, e aprendizado de máquina, pesquisadores podem simular interações moleculares, permitindo a identificação e aperfeiçoamento de inibidores seletivos de quinases e outras moléculas com potencial terapêutico. Os estudos citados demonstram como essas abordagens contribuem para tratamentos mais eficazes e personalizados, reduzindo tanto os custos quanto o tempo de desenvolvimento de medicamentos. Além disso, a integração dessas técnicas promete revolucionar as terapias anticancerígenas, movendo o campo da oncologia para uma era de medicina de precisão.


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ALANAZI, A. S. et al. Design, synthesis, antitumor evaluation, and molecular docking of novel pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine as multi-kinase inhibitors. Journal of The Saudi Pharmaceutical Society, v. 31, n. 6, p. 989–997, 1 maio 2023.

ASAAD, F.; ZAKA, M.; DURDAGI, S. Development of Machine Learning-based QSAR Models for the Designing of Novel Anti-cancer Therapeutics Against Malignant Glioma. bioRxiv, 19 ago. 2024.

BALLESTA, A. et al. A multi‐scale systems pharmacology approach for personalizing irinotecan chronotherapy. The FASEB Journal, v. 30, n. S1, 1 abr. 2016.

BUKKURU, S. et al. Identifying Interstitials in MD Simulations — Max Space Clustering Method. v. 759, n. 1, p. 012092, 1 out. 2016.

EL FADILI, M. et al. In silico insights into the design of novel NR2B-selective NMDA receptor antagonists: QSAR modeling, ADME-toxicity predictions, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics investigations. BMC chemistry, v. 18, n. 1, 31 jul. 2024.

KARAMPURI, A.; PERUGU, S. A breast cancer-specific combinational QSAR model development using machine learning and deep learning approaches. Frontiers in bioinformatics, 15 jan. 2024.

KAUR, S. et al. Evaluation of 3, 3’-Disubstituted Oxindoles Derivatives as a Potential Anti- Cancer Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors-Molecular Docking and ADME Studies. Current Indian science, v. 02, 3 jul. 2024.

MACHADO, P. Molecular Docking in the Study of Ligand-Protein Recognition: An Overview. Biomedical engineering, 25 jan. 2023.

MALLA, B. A. et al. Insights into molecular docking and dynamics to reveal therapeutic potential of natural compounds against P53 protein. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, p. 1–20, 25 out. 2022.

SHAIKH, N. K. et al. Comprehensive molecular docking and dynamic simulations for drug repurposing of clinical drugs against multiple cancer kinase targets. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, p. 1–9, 22 set. 2022.

SINGH, K.; BHUSHAN, B.; SINGH, B. Advances in Drug Discovery and Design Using Computer-Aided Molecular Modeling. Current Computer - Aided Drug Design, 14 set. 2023.

SPILL, F.; VERA-SIGÜENZA, E.; FALEIDE, J. I. Interplay of p53 and XIAP protein dynamics orchestrates cell fate in response to chemotherapy. Journal of Theoretical Biology, p. 111562, 1 jun. 2023.

UMAR, A. B. et al. Ligand-based drug design and molecular docking simulation studies of some novel anticancer compounds on MALME-3M melanoma cell line. Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, v. 22, n. 1, p. 1–15, 1 dez. 2021.

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Como Citar

VELLOSO, Marcia Helena Rodrigues. A APLICAÇÃO DAS FERRAMENTAS IN SILICO NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DE QUIMIOTERÁPICOS. RCMOS - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar O Saber, Brasil, v. 1, n. 2, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i2.2024.692. Disponível em: https://submissoesrevistacientificaosaber.com/index.php/rcmos/article/view/692.. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

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