Public Administration - Specificities and Issues


  • Rafaele Pavéglio Author
  • Raul Antonio Royer Author
  • Felipe Luis Angst Author



Management. Public Management. organizations.


Management is the basis for the functioning of organizations. Thus, constant management optimization is necessary for institutions to achieve their goals, which demands organizational studies and analyses. Thus, this work aims to review theoretical issues related to management and its implications for public management, in addition to the particularities of public management little discussed in society. In order to achieve the objective, Chiavenato (2003; 2010; 2014) and Lacombe (2011) and other relevant authors are used as a theoretical basis, primarily, on management. The theory is an initial foundation for empirical management in organizations and serves as the basis for improving the services and products that a company offers, which generates a better quality of life for all those involved, employees or consumers.


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Author Biography

  • Raul Antonio Royer

    Graduado em Administração de Empresas
    Pós-graduação em Gestão Pública


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How to Cite

PAVÉGLIO , Rafaele; ROYER, Raul Antonio; ANGST, Felipe Luis. Public Administration - Specificities and Issues. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.443. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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