Health education, asthma, chronic illnessAbstract
Asthma is a chronic disease, arising from contact with na allergen that induces na inflammatory response, which affects part of the respiratory tract, in a genetically predisposed individual. The dissemination of new studies occurs constantly, which contributes to updating the topic, while new information is added. Therefore, the objective of this work was to describe, based on a bibliographic review, the stratification of the clinical picture of asthma, highlighting its pathophysiological aspects. To this end, na integrative review was carried out using data from the aforementioned platforms. To present the results obtained, a narrative description was made, associated with explanatory tables, which briefly presents the main works used for this study. Likewise, the objective of this work was further explored in the “Discussion” topic, organized based on the selected sources. Therefore, the information presented in this review can be taken into consideration by future researchers who wish to update themselves on the topic of asthma, with a focus on stratifying the clinical picture of asthma and appropriate treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Luísa Borges Acioli , Arthur Henrique Fernandes, Gabriela Alves Teixeira, Eustênio de Sousa Morais , Weverson da Silva Martins, Michelle Sandoval Marçal , Tamyris Cardoso Prazeres , Clara Mariana Dias Pestana, Fernando Henrique Sampaio de Souza, Wilson Santana de Oliveira, Kristhian Macsuel Schneider, Álvaro Luiz Mariotto Faccioli (Autor/in)
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