Analysis of Public Service Quality in Government Agencies: Planning, Communication, and Productivity
Analysis of Public Service Quality in Government Agencies: Planning, Communication, and Productivity
Public Service; Management; Strategy; Communication.Abstract
The main target of public service is meeting the needs of the population as well as defending the interests of the State with regard to present and future actions, therefore, strategic planning. This work aimed to emphasize the quality of service in the public sector through planning, communication and productivity. This is a descriptive, qualitative study of a bibliographic nature. To collect data, systematic searches were carried out in literature available in Internet databases, such as SciELO’s Magazine and Virtual Libraries, CAPES Periodicals, Online Libraries, in addition to searches in own books. Where the inclusion criteria for the literature review were all journals available in national and international databases. The exclusion criteria were journals that were not available in full, that were in abstract form or that were not consistent with the proposed objective. In this sense, communication emerges as a continuous and facilitating process for public institutions in the face of the engagement of employees and their respective functions.
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