The Importance of Accounting for Management
balance sheet, income statement, cash fl owAbstract
Accounting today is a fundamental instrument for the administration, recognized as a tool that supports decision making by managers, through the analysis of events that occur on a daily basis, recorded by the Accounting and transformed into management reports. As an ally in the performance of their duties, the Accounting now has a technological apparatus, such as computers, making it faster and therefore more eff ective in synthesizing and transmission of information necessary for decision making. Thus, the professional accounting area has been recognized as essential for the control of information that assist in decisions to develop the concept and importance empresa. Esse brought to huge Accounting responsibilities, which now depend on well trained and willing professionals to be constantly updated to meet the needs of managers in every moment of management, from current and past information of the company, enabling the planning of appropriate actions to rise. Accounting has become a key management tool in helping managers when the projections for decisionmaking, leaving only exercise the bookkeeping tool function to meet the requirements of the three spheres of government. For Franco (1983, p.20) “Accounting plays the same role that history in human life in any economic organism. Without it would be impossible to know the past and the present of the economic life of the organization, making it impossible to predict the future or make plans for administrative guidance. “. Thus it is necessary that the manager who runs an institution is grounded in organizational accurate information as a whole in order to plan and design strategic actions directed to each area of the company