A CRITICAL AND INCLUSIVE PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL IN HIGH SCHOOL: the novel 'The Merry Song of the Partridge' by Paulina Chiziane, and its possible approaches to the teaching of African Literature


  • James Anderson Vitor Lima Author




Pedagogical Proposal, High School, African Literature, 'The Merry Song of the Partridge' by Paulina Chiziane


This article aims to present a pedagogical proposal for High School, through the approach of teaching African literature, focusing on the work "The Merry Song of the Partridge" (CHIZIANE, 2008). The need to expand literature education seeks to promote an approach that goes beyond the Eurocentric paradigm, exploring African literature as a way to enrich students' cultural repertoire, including the development of critical and reflective awareness among learners. The article mentions the inclusion of African literature in the school curriculum, emphasizing the importance of Law 10.639/2003 in this regard, which mandates the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture. Additionally, it discusses the most recent document guiding and standardizing education: the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2019), which addresses the need to rethink how literature is taught in school, aiming to make reading and writing enjoyable activities for students. The proposed methodology involves collective reading of the work, followed by group discussion; historical and social contextualization of the novel's plot, and reflection on themes such as the sexualization of the black female body, whitening, and identity. This pedagogical proposal aims to promote a more inclusive and diversified education, providing high school students with a critical experience regarding African literature


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Author Biography

  • James Anderson Vitor Lima

      Licenciatura em Letras - Língua Portuguesa, pela Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro Brasileira (UNILAB). E-mail: jamesanderson2tons@gmail.com.


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How to Cite

LIMA, James Anderson Vitor. A CRITICAL AND INCLUSIVE PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL IN HIGH SCHOOL: the novel ’The Merry Song of the Partridge’ by Paulina Chiziane, and its possible approaches to the teaching of African Literature. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.452. Disponível em: https://submissoesrevistacientificaosaber.com/index.php/rcmos/article/view/452.. Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.

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