
  • Amanda Sarto Siqueira Ferreira da Costa Author



Total Cost of Ownership; Nationalization; Cost Reduction; Purchasing Decision; Strategic Planning.


In a highly competitive global scenario, companies seek new ways to optimize production and 
implement continuous improvement mechanisms to reduce costs. An essential tool in this 
context is the Total Cost of Ownership model, applied to the acquisition processes of inputs to 
determine the costs involved and compare the economic viability between domestic and 
international suppliers. Given the unstable economic scenario and high exchange rate 
fluctuations, the possibility of nationalizing production is evaluated. The case study method is 
adopted, characterized as applied and exploratory research, with the objective of generating 
knowledge for practical application and solving specific problems. This method combines a 
literature review with exploratory field analysis. The studied company faces a loss of 
profitability due to rising import costs, reduced demand, and the loss of purchasing power of 
the national currency against international suppliers. The increase in costs resulting from 
exchange rate fluctuations necessitates the search for new supply options, primarily in the 
domestic market, where exchange rate influence is lower. Thus, the nationalization of inputs 
becomes crucial in business decisions to minimize costs and maintain competitiveness. The 
results indicate that the nationalization of production using the Total Cost of Ownership model 
is viable. This model considers all costs involved in the acquisition of inputs, unlike the 
traditional acquisition model, which focuses exclusively on the unit price. 


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Author Biography

  • Amanda Sarto Siqueira Ferreira da Costa

     – UNICAMP 


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How to Cite

DA COSTA, Amanda Sarto Siqueira Ferreira. STRATEGIC PLANNING USING THE TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP MODEL. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.572. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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