The Penitentiary System and Its Lack of Social Management in Contemporary Brazil
The Penitentiary System and Its Lack of Social Management in Contemporary Brazil
Penal System, Public Security, Social Control, Society, Public Management.Abstract
Currently, the area of public safety (penal system) has been treated with less relevance by state governments, especially in relation to our state of Rio Grande do Sul. Objective: To conceptualize some benefits and other negative factors that make up the prison system, as a way to establish better performance among the organization’s agents, ensure a better future for the system, and achieve excellence in satisfactory results in the prison system. Discussion: The obstacles present in today’s prison system, not only specifically in Rio Grande do Sul but throughout the country, represent a ticking time bomb that could collapse at any moment due to various surrounding factors. For several decades, some governments have shown little concern for this sector. Methodology: This study was prepared through an organizational diagnosis, exploratory research, and bibliographical research. Primary and secondary data were collected, some of which were already available and others gathered from the organization where the study was developed. Result: The research conducted around the prison system highlights the need for a massive restructuring by the State’s governmental management to ensure broader and more positive effectiveness in prisoner treatment, both on the part of the judiciary and the executive branch, which has numerous management flaws. Conclusion: A serious and drastic change is required in this sector to maintain minimum conditions so that the population can ensure its safety and the right to come and go with minimal risks. The population must be protected both on the streets and in prisons while in the correctional system, which has a large vicious cycle of ramifications that perpetuate the current crime scenario, largely due to the lack of proper management.
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