"Multilevel Protection of Fundamental Rights and Incarceration"


  • Sérgio Alves Teixeira Júnior Author




Decarceration. Fundamental Rights. Multi-Level Protection.


This study aims to analyze the impacts of incarceration on fundamental rights, considering the context of multi-level protection. Through a bibliographic research methodology, works by various authors addressing the themes of the prison system, human rights, and multi-level protection were reviewed. The analysis revealed that mass incarceration not only violates the individual rights of detainees but also compromises the effectiveness of rehabilitation and reintegration policies. Understanding the interactions between the national prison system and international human rights protection organizations led to the conclusion that multidimensional approaches are necessary to address the complex challenges associated with mass incarceration. Coordinated action between different levels of human rights protection is crucial to ensure respect for the rights of persons deprived of their liberty and to promote reforms in the prison system, aiming to build a more just, humane, and effective criminal justice system.


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How to Cite

JÚNIOR, Sérgio Alves Teixeira. "Multilevel Protection of Fundamental Rights and Incarceration". Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.545. Disponível em: https://submissoesrevistacientificaosaber.com/index.php/rcmos/article/view/545.. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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