
  • José Mendes Fonteles Filho Author
  • Marcos Alberto de Oliveira Vieira Author



JOPOI, Indigenous Peoples, Universities, Interculturality, Inclusion.


This article presents a brief report on the creation of the Indigenous Peoples and Universities
 Conferences- JOPOI, its objectives, organizational methodology, results and its relevance for
 strengthening relations between the academic world and the native peoples of Brazil and the
 Continent. In the preparation of the text, we used documentary and bibliographic research,
 among other methodological approaches, using existing publications on the analyzed object,
 including digital materials posted on JOPOI's profiles on the Internet. The theoretical framework
 dialogues with authors who reflect on the new forms of organization and social mobilization, the
 network society and the power of communication in the digital age, the impact of
 communication technologies on the network society, the challenges of digital inclusion faced by
 indigenous people, and also cultural hybridization, intercultural and decolonial education,
 pedagogical innovation and ecology of knowledge. The results of the research indicate that
 JOPOI, despite being only in its 4th edition in 2024, constitutes a powerful network that
 mobilizes and articulates dozens of indigenous peoples, universities and other institutions
including from abroad- to support the collective struggles and goals of these peoples. They also
 reveal an instigating process of innovation in the relationship between the academic world and
 the native peoples of Brazil and other countries of the Continent, marked by concrete practices of
 interculturality and inclusivity.


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Author Biographies

  • José Mendes Fonteles Filho

    1 José Mendes Fonteles Filho é Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do Ceará- UFC, Pós-Doutor em
    Antropologia (UFPE 2016) e em Ciências, Tecnologias e Inclusão (UFF 2022). Possui doutorado em Educação Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Ceará- UFC (2003). É sócio-fundador da Associação Internacional de Inclusão, Interculturalidade e Inovação Pedagógica- AIIIIPe, membro da Red Interuniversitaria Educación Superior Y Pueblos Indígenas de America Latina- RED ESIAL e também sócio-fundador do Grupo Salamanca de Investigación en Antropología Indigenista y Educación Intercultural GSIAIEI.

    CV Lattes:


  • Marcos Alberto de Oliveira Vieira

    2 Marcos Alberto de Oliveira Vieira é Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará IFCE, Mestre em Políticas Públicas e Sociedade (UECE/2004).Especialização em Gestão e Políticas Culturais de Assessoria pela Universitat de Girona, UDG, Espanha (2018). Membro do Conselho Diretor do Centro de Estudos do Trabalho ao Trabalhador e à Trabalhadora CETRA.

    CV Lattes:



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How to Cite

FILHO, José Mendes Fonteles; VIEIRA, Marcos Alberto de Oliveira. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND UNIVERSITIES CONFERENCES: INNOVATION, INTERCULTURALITY AND INCLUSION IN THE RELATIONSHIP WITH NATIVE PEOPLES OFLATIN AMERICA. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.590. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.

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