Information Technology. Strategies. E-Business.Abstract
The environment of commercial activities is shaped by major developments in the world, such as globalization, the various commercial blocks, information technology, the diversity of the workforce, the status of emerging economies, the unstable political situation in various parts of the world, all this requires the manager / administrator / director of organizations to have adequate knowledge to deal with numerous situations. Selling more and with the best strategy is the pursuit of all organizations. The study in question aims to analyze your sales strategies and identify within your strategies, what are your competitive advantages, using information technology. The study was carried out from a bibliographic research, with analysis of a case study, in a qualitative approach, describing its process and its importance, as well as bringing suggestions for improvement for the company. The availability of technology allows companies of almost all sizes, sizes, stage of development, area of operation, in short, all, to have access to the most diversified types of technology, and this information regarding these technologies is much easier and accessible than in other times. E-commerce has won consumer confidence and results in an increase in the number of operations carried out by the large chain, mainly with the emergence of the pandemic. Using the right technology, companies have discovered the possibility of creating an e-commerce system that best meets customer expectations. Only possible, through information technology.
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