Universalism and Celtic Traditions in the Human Quest for Meaning
Human-Universe. Celts. Culture.Abstract
This study explores the interaction between human beings and the Universe, focusing on the impact of spiritual convictions and beliefs in the human understanding of the world and the meaning of existence. The research highlights the influence of Celtic traditions and beliefs, analyzing their role in shaping human understanding. The study investigates the interaction of different worldviews and how they evolve, leading to a distancing from national cultural roots and an identification with elements of other cultures. The specific objectives include analyzing the influence of Celtic traditions in the contemporary understanding of the meaning of life and the universe, examining the relevance of these beliefs in the global context, and investigating the role of Druidism and Celtic in the global spiritual culture. The research, justified by the need to understand the impact of spiritual beliefs on the human worldview, is conducted through a bibliographic review, covering authors who discuss Celtic traditions.
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