Awakening of Lilith: From Submission to the Liberation of Women from the Archetype of Eve
Lilith. Archetype. Myth.Abstract
This study aims to explore the duality between the archetypes of Eve and Lilith, revealing how
the repression of Lilith reflects the repression of femininity and the impact of this phenomenon
on contemporary culture. The overall objective is to analyze the influence of the archetypes of
Eve and Lilith in the cultural and social construction of femininity, exploring how these
archetypes have shaped norms and expectations regarding women throughout history. The
methodology of this study is a literature review, focusing on the critical analysis of
mythological and cultural narratives related to Lilith and Eve. Ancient texts, religious traditions,
and contemporary academic interpretations were examined to provide insight into the influence
of these archetypes on the construction of female identity and historical oppression. The study concludes that the narrative of Lilith contrasts with the role of Eve, the idealized woman in
submission, representing the tension between rebellion and acceptance, reinforcing patriarchal
norms that have shaped the oppression of women.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.