Business Intelligence (BI). Decision-making. Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP). WorkFlow.Abstract
With the world economy and international trade increasingly integrated and diffuse. Companies find a competitive rivalry between competitors, and having good quantitative and qualitative methods for making decisions are some performance indicators. From small organizations to large multinationals in the world, they continually seek a predictable and profitable future scenario. So that they can control or anticipate any eventualities. In the commercial market there is a growing search by organizations for more information and data to assist in decision making. On the other hand, there is an increase in Information Technology (IT) tools, capable of managing, analyzing, generating reports and decisive graphics for decision making (whether for investments; purchases; contracting services; projects and events). Business Intelligence (BI) decision making is accurate, and its information (dice + evidence = strategic decision), based on dynamic statistical data and its environment meets business demands. Implementation project managers, both in BI and ERP, need to be aware of the impact of these systems, otherwise the implementation will fail, as in the Hershey’s case study. The benefits that ERP
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Copyright (c) 2024 William Pacheco Machado, Hugo Silva Ferreira (Autor/in)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.