Educational management, challenges, possibilities, digital technologies, participatory management, strategic planning, educational leadership, public-private partnerships.Abstract
The theme “Challenges and Possibilities of Management in Education” explores the complexity and opportunities present in contemporary educational management. The main objective of this work is to analyze the challenges faced by educational managers in managing resources and implementing public policies, identifying innovative strategies that promote efficiency and continuous improvement in the quality of education. The research seeks to answer the question: how can educational managers face the challenges of managing resources and implementing public policies, while seeking innovation and continuous improvement in the quality of education in public institutions? The methodology used included a literature review on educational management. The results indicate that, despite the scarcity of resources and social inequalities, educational management offers numerous possibilities, such as the integration of digital technologies, the strengthening of participatory management, strategic planning oriented towards results and the development of educational leaders. Public-private partnerships emerge as an effective alternative to enhance resources and knowledge, contributing to the continuous improvement of school practices. The conclusion highlights the importance of proactive and innovative management, capable of adapting to changes and promoting quality education and inclusion.
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