The Importance of Psychopedagogical Support for Students with Learning Difficulties
The Importance of Psychopedagogical Support for Students with Learning Difficulties
Psychopedagogical support. Learning difficulties. Personalized strategies. Educational inclusion. School experience.Abstract
Psychopedagogical support is essential to identify and intervene in learning difficulties faced by
students in different educational contexts. These difficulties can arise from cognitive, emotional,
social or environmental factors, requiring a specialized approach that promotes the development
of skills and contributes to overcoming academic and social barriers. Acting in a multidisciplinary
manner, psychopedagogical support integrates teachers, families and health professionals,
favoring personalized strategies that meet the specific needs of students. Thus, this support not
only improves academic performance, but also promotes educational inclusion, reinforcing the
role of a welcoming and inclusive school. This study seeks to analyze the relevance of
psychopedagogical support in the development of effective strategies to overcome learning
difficulties. The general objective is to understand how this approach can transform the school
experience of students, while the specific objectives include identifying factors that influence
these difficulties, investigating personalized psychopedagogical practices, evaluating the benefits
for inclusion and academic performance and proposing strategies that strengthen collaboration
between school, family and psychopedagogues. The research will be conducted through a
bibliographic analysis, involving theories, scientific studies and academic materials related to the
topic. This method will allow an in-depth understanding of the role of psychopedagogical support
and the most effective practices to meet students' demands. By highlighting the importance of
this approach, the study emphasizes the need for integrated and accessible strategies, promoting
the academic, social and emotional development of students, in addition to contributing to a more
inclusive and humanized education.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Michely Queiroz de Lima Menezes, Sheila Costa Silva Pareschi , Elizabeth Mônica da Silva, Elanir Menezes Rodrigues, Keszia Luzia Colares Lopes, Eduardo da Silva Costa, Zenilda Seixas Vieira, Carolina Soares de Castilhos, Sâmila Saraiva de Sales, Eliane Antão Albuquerque Silva, Ayanna Rosely de Oliveira Vidal (Autor/in)
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