Awareness Raising and Training Teachers on Students with Autism.
Awareness Raising and Training Teachers on Students with Autism.
School inclusion, autism, teacher training, inclusive education, professional training.Abstract
This study addresses the importance of raising awareness and training teachers for the inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in schools. The main objective was to investigate how teacher training can contribute to promoting a more inclusive and effective education for these students. A qualitative methodology was used, with a literature review and analysis of case studies, to understand the pedagogical practices adopted and the challenges faced by teachers in the inclusion of students with ASD. The results showed that continuous teacher training is essential, since the lack of technical and emotional knowledge about autism limits the effectiveness of inclusion. In addition, the study highlighted that, when awareness raising is combined with practical training, teachers are able to adapt their pedagogical practices to the needs of students, promoting a more welcoming and development-friendly environment. It was concluded that teacher training should be continuous and integrated, addressing both theoretical and practical aspects, and that public policies need to ensure the necessary support for inclusion to be carried out effectively. It is suggested that future research explore the impact of innovative training models, with the use of assistive technologies and the participation of families in the educational process.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Juçara Aguiar Guimarães Silva, Michely Queiroz de Lima Menezes, Adilza Raquel Cavalcanti dos Santos , Jeannette Cleia Lima da Silva Oliveira , Carolina Maciel Miranda , Joseildo Alves de Arantes, Nielson João Siqueira da Silva , Andreia Dos Santos Machado Alcântara, Vanessa de Paula Sarto Bastos, Mona Liza Silva Cruz, Talita Neves Silva , Maria Marluza Lira França (Autor/in)

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