Public Policies in the Prison System – Prisoner Reintegration
Public Policies in the Prison System – Prisoner Reintegration
Public Policies. Education. Reintegration. Programs.Abstract
The article presented here addresses the reintegration of inmates, along with the strategic role that public policies assume on the global stage, given that every human being has the right to life, liberty, and personal security. The importance of discussing public policies is linked to numerous themes and areas, as they enable the planning of actions and the implementation of programs within the prison system to prevent inmates from reoffending, thereby reducing recidivism. The methodology used in this article is bibliographic research, focusing on the need for programs and investments within prisons. The objective is to highlight the significance of projects and investments that benefit inmates, ultimately decreasing the rate of recidivism and crime. These include social policies focused on education and programs aimed at developing educational work.
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