School Inclusion, Visual Impairment, Regular Education, Mediator, TeacherAbstract
In the medical context, blindness is considered a disorder that may affect one or several functions of the optic apparatus, which has the function of decoding the information sent to it from the external environment, so that vision is formed. This study aims to discuss ways in which blind students can be included in regular education, in addition to conceptualizing blindness; to present the pathologies which cause blindness; to demonstrate the characteristics of children with visual impairment; to relate how the inclusion of blind children in regular education is carried out, bringing clarifications to educators, to the families of blind children and to society in general. The inclusive school, as a trainer of conscious individuals, must be prepared to make available an education that values and respects the student with or without special educational needs. Thus, it needs structure and specialized professionals who are able to contribute to the learning process. The methodology used was a qualitative bibliographic research in books, articles, magazines, and monographs on the theme. We conclude that it is possible to include blind students in regular education, especially if there is a specialized teacher and a mediator who can contribute to the development and learning of these children.