Quality management strategies for educational institutions: Promoting excellence in teaching and learning
Quality Management. Quality Education. Management Strategy. Management System. Educational Management.Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate quality management strategies in educational institutions, with an emphasis on promoting excellence in teaching and learning. It was assumed that quality in education is fundamental for the academic and personal development of students. Therefore, the research focused on how institutions can achieve and maintain high standards of quality. The methodology employed in this study involved a literature review that addressed theories and practices related to quality management in educational contexts. Theoretical references and case studies were considered to identify effective strategies for promoting quality. Quality in education, which goes beyond the transmission of knowledge, is a global concern. Quality management in education is a dynamic process that requires commitment and collaboration. Effective school management is crucial for promoting quality education. The implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) is essential to ensure equitable and high-quality education. Quality management in education is an investment in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valéria Costa Souza, Allysson Barbosa Fernandes, Jônathas dos Santos Carretero, Hermócrates Gomes Melo Júnior, Anair Meirelles Quadrado (Autor/in)
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