Early Childhood Education. Physical Education. Digital Graffiti. Post-Pandemic.Abstract
This article sought to narrate the daily development of a pedagogical activity using digital graffiti with Early Childhood Education students from a public school in Aparecida de Goiânia, during the transition from the Covid-19 pandemic to the post-pandemic period. The aim is to demonstrate how the practice of digital graffiti can be employed in Early Childhood Education to promote children’s creative expression and socio-emotional education. The methodology adopted was an exploratory, descriptive investigation based on the authors’ experiences and the adaptation of the Physical Education curriculum to incorporate digital graffiti activities. The sessions were structured in four stages, each inspired by songs and relevant artists from the Hip Hop movement, guiding reflections on the pandemic and the collective creation of digital graffiti. The main results include enhancing creative expression through digital graffiti and integrating digital technology into children’s educational processes. Additionally, the activity allowed participants to share experiences related to overcoming the pandemic period, strengthening their socio-emotional skills. It is concluded that digital graffiti can be used as an important curricular tool in Early Childhood Education, expanding interaction through play and paving the way for hybrid teaching models that combine innovative pedagogical practices in cyberculture.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Letícia Cristina de Andrade Cauhy, Randy Rodrigo Gonçalves dos Santos, Juliana Rodrigues Paim, Leonardo Conceição Gonçalves (Autor/in)
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