Competitive Strategies, International Business, PlanningAbstract
The objective of this work is to understand the economic, social, cultural, political, legal, and financial differences that require strategic planning for the internationalization of organizational activities. The methodology used was bibliographic, with a qualitative approach. Internationalization is an innovative aspect for the survival of organizations, and it should be a process guided by the economic, political, social, cultural, financial, and legal differences of the country where internationalization is sought, while also requiring a manager profile with specific personal, organizational, and professional attributes to overcome challenges in these aspects and avoid failures. The planning of internationalization should include various decision-making strategies on how to enter this market, such as mergers/acquisitions and foreign direct investment, both of which have advantages and disadvantages that should be analyzed concerning cost/benefit relationships and threats/opportunities for small, medium, and large organizations as well as emerging ones. Successful cases of internationalization of Brazilian companies contribute to this process, such that the competition of globalized companies emerges as a line of thought that enables their survival in terms of competitive strategies.
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