Assistive Technologies: Using Technological Tools to Facilitate Inclusion.
Assistive Technologies: Using Technological Tools to Facilitate Inclusion.
Assistive technologies. School inclusion. Accessibility. School environment.Abstract
School inclusion represents a fundamental challenge in current education, requiring practices that promote the participation of all students, regardless of their physical, cognitive or sensory limitations. Assistive technologies play a crucial role in this process, offering tools that enable accessibility and autonomy for students with disabilities, allowing them to fully participate in school activities. These technologies range from simple devices, such as magnifying glasses, to advanced solutions, such as screen reading software, and are essential to ensure effective inclusion. The main objective of this study is to analyze how assistive technologies can facilitate inclusion in the school environment, highlighting their contribution to the learning and participation of students with disabilities. The research seeks to identify the main types of assistive technologies used in the educational context, discuss pedagogical practices that favor their use and evaluate the challenges faced by schools when implementing them. In addition, it seeks to provide support for teacher training and inclusive educational planning. The implementation of these technologies, however, requires a careful analysis of the needs of each student and the conditions of the school. For assistive tools to fulfill their role of promoting inclusion, a pedagogical commitment to diversity is necessary, integrating such resources into teaching practices in an efficient and ethical manner. Reflecting on the possibilities and limitations of assistive technologies is essential for building a more inclusive and equitable school, which respects the uniqueness of each student and promotes the development of all.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kennya Lanny Sousa Varella, Keszia Luzia Colares Lopes, Zenilda Seixas Vieira, Jeannette Cleia Lima da Silva Oliveira , Débora Ribeiro Oliveira Souza, Bruno Polizello, Juliana Wakimoto de Almeida Polizello, Núbia Pereira Macena Barreto, Adail Pinho da Rocha , Eduardo da Silva Costa, Adilza Raquel Cavalcanti dos Santos (Autor/in)
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