Analysis of the implementation of the Organic Chemistry Teaching Program in the Agricultur course in Professional Technical Education.Case studyNhamatandaPolytechnicInstitute (ADPP Laaamego
Analysis of the implementation of the Organic Chemistry Teaching Program in the Agricultur course in Professional Technical Education.Case studyNhamatandaPolytechnicInstitute (ADPP Laaamego
program, chemistry, agriculture.Abstract
The research aims to analyze the organic chemistry teaching program in the institute’s aforementioned course. Whether they meet the minimum requirements of a teaching program and whether they are suitable for the course or not, given that it aims to train professional technicians at a secondary level. For its materialization, the author used the following methodological procedures: Bibliographical research, where the author read and analyzed books, scientific monographs, articles linked to the topic under study. Direct observation, this technique consisted of analyzing the teaching program for the subject of organic chemistry specifically in the following aspects: objectives, contents, its connection with other subjects, sequence, available teaching time, methodological guidance, experimental activities. Interview which consisted of interviewing the coordinator of the course that covers the discipline of organic chemistry with the aim of understanding whether he has the program, recruitment method and trainer profile to teach this discipline. After analysis and data collection, the results showed that most of the aspects observed are not clear, such as Contents, Logical Sequence, Assessment, Bibliography, despite the high level of existence of the aforementioned aspects, allowing us to conclude that the teaching program of Organic Chemistry in said institution’s course, reasonably meets the minimum requirements required for a chemistry teaching program and is suitable for said course. However, it was recommended that the module of the same program as the aforementioned course be updated and specific, incorporating experimental activities, learning methodologies and teaching resources.
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Copyright (c) 2025 João Gonçalo Tomocene, Artur Domingos Artur, Tito Joaquim Pagara, Jaime Ernesto Naene, Carlos José Domingos Alface (Autor/in)
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