Pedagogical Practices: Education in Rural Areas Through the Transformative School
Pedagogical Practices: Education in Rural Areas Through the Transformative School
Rural Education; Transformative School; Training; Engagement.Abstract
Knowing that rural education is a modality of education that takes place in rural areas, the present study aimed to investigate the contribution of a transformative school in the countryside. The methodology applied in this study was bibliographic review. The research had an exploratory-descriptive approach with a qualitative nature. Thus, it was concluded that, reflecting on rural education in the Brazilian reality, transformative education can empower individuals and make knowledge truly meaningful for those in rural areas, turning students into active participants in their education. A transformative school in the rural context, therefore, is an educational institution that seeks to go beyond merely transmitting content. To achieve this, the use of didactic projects promotes greater engagement in activities and encourages students to research the topics discussed in the classroom.
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