Use of Moringa Oleifera Seeds in the Treatment of Turbid Water, Collected Directly from the Búzi River for Human Consumption

Use of Moringa Oleifera Seeds in the Treatment of Turbid Water, Collected Directly from the Búzi River for Human Consumption


  • Dilone Tiago Luis Victor Alexandre Author
  • Manuel Bendecene Levene Author
  • Fátima Tiago Manuel Author
  • Gerre Zebedias Samo Sithole Author



Moringa oleifera seeds, natural coagulant, turbidity.


Potable water can be defined as water suitable for consumption, that is, free of substances and
organisms that can cause diseases, 1 and also without color, taste, or odor. The turbidity of
water bodies can be caused by the erosion of river banks during the rainy season, resulting
from the misuse of the soil, such as the lack of vegetation fixation. Sanitary sewage and
various industrial effluents and mining activities also cause increases in water turbidity. One
of the great challenges for the scientific community is to seek methodological processes that
reduce the impact on the environment. Moringa oleifera seeds contain low molecular weight
proteins, which, when their powder is dissolved in water, acquire positive charges that attract
negatively charged particles such as clays and silts, forming dense flocs that sediment. In this
context, the study aimed to evaluate the ideal amount of Moringa oleifera seed powder and
the best sedimentation time for the removal of turbidity and its effect on the pH of water from
the Búzi River consumed by the population of regions whose only source of acquisition of the
precious liquid are rivers. The experiment was carried out with 50, 100, 150, and 250 mg of
powder/500 mL and another 500 mL of water to which no Moringa powder was added. The
research results show a reduction of up to 95% in turbidity at a concentration of 50 mg, as
well as optimization of pH


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Author Biographies

  • Dilone Tiago Luis Victor Alexandre

    1 Licenciado em Ensino de Química com Habilitação em Técnicas de Gestão de Laboratórios, 2014
    (Moçambique), pela extinta Universidade Pedagógica, Delegação da Beira, atual Universidade Licungo.
    Atualmente, é Docente de Química na Escola Secundária de Chibabava – Sede Sofala (Moçambique). Email:

  • Manuel Bendecene Levene

    2 Licenciado em Ensino de Química com Habilitação em Técnicas de Gestão de Laboratórios, 2016
    (Moçambique), pela extinta Universidade Pedagógica, Delegação da Beira, atual Universidade Licungo.
    Atualmente, Mestrando Programa de Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Energia Sustentabilidade (PPGIES),
    Instituto Latino-Americano de Tecnologia, Infraestrutura e Território, UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil. Email:

  • Fátima Tiago Manuel

    3 Licenciada em Ensino de Química com Habilitações em Técnicas de Gestão de Laboratórios, 2024
    (Moçambique), pela Universidade Pungué – Chimoio. 

  • Gerre Zebedias Samo Sithole

    4Licenciado e Mestrado em Ensino de Química pela Pädagogische Hochschule “Liselotte Hermann”, Alemanha
    Democrática, 1989; Doutorado em Educação/Currículo pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo,
    Brasil, 2004; Engenheiro de Construção Civil pela Universidade Licungo, Moçambique (2019); Docente de
    Química Orgânica I e II pela extinta Universidade Pedagógica, Delegação da Beira, Atual Universidade Licungo
    (1993-2019); Docente de Química Geral e Inorgânica na Universidade Jean Piaget de Moçambique, (2019-
    2021); Docente de Química Orgânica I e II na Universidade Católica de Moçambique desde 2020. 


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How to Cite

ALEXANDRE, Dilone Tiago Luis Victor; LEVENE, Manuel Bendecene; MANUEL, Fátima Tiago; SITHOLE, Gerre Zebedias Samo. Use of Moringa Oleifera Seeds in the Treatment of Turbid Water, Collected Directly from the Búzi River for Human Consumption: Use of Moringa Oleifera Seeds in the Treatment of Turbid Water, Collected Directly from the Búzi River for Human Consumption. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2025. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2025.842. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.

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