Access to the Job Market for Visually Impaired Individuals in the City of Maputo

Access to the Job Market for Visually Impaired Individuals in the City of Maputo


  • Raul de Miguel Benjamim Jofrisse Nhamitambo Ministério da Justiça, Assuntos Constitucionais e Relegiosos Author



Access, visually impaired people, job market.


Access to work for visually impaired people in the City of MAputo is a topic that reveals significant challenges and gaps that prevent the inclusion of visually impaired people in the job market. The research aims to analyze such challenges, using a qualitative approach, based on interviews with the main actors involved and a bibliographic analysis. The results indicated that, although there are standards that guarantee rights, there is a lack of specific regulations that address the needs of people with visual impairments, such as reasonable adaptations in the work environment and targeted training programs. Furthermore, prejudice and discrimination persist as relevant barriers in the workplace, reflecting an ableist view that still permeates city residents in Maputo. Employers often have limited perceptions of these people's capabilities, which creates resistance to hiring them. The main challenges faced include the lack of awareness about the rights of people with disabilities and the insufficiency of effective public policies to ensure their inclusion. The conclusions indicate that there is a need to strengthen existing policies and implement training programs for both workers with disabilities and employers, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of inclusion. It is also recommended to create awareness campaigns that promote inclusion and respect for the rights of people with visual impairments. These actions are essential to ensure a more inclusive and accessible environment, allowing visually impaired people to contribute to society and the job market in the City of Maputo.


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How to Cite

BENJAMIM JOFRISSE NHAMITAMBO, Raul de Miguel. Access to the Job Market for Visually Impaired Individuals in the City of Maputo: Access to the Job Market for Visually Impaired Individuals in the City of Maputo. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2025. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2025.866. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.

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