colors, work environment, emotions, productivity, well-beingAbstract
This study analyzed the relationship between colors and various aspects of the work environment, such as emotions, health and productivity. The review of recent scientific articles showed that colors have a significant impact on workers, and can positively or negatively influence their well-being and performance. Warm colors, such as red, stimulate energy but can cause irritability, while cool colors, such as blue, promote calm and concentration. The research also highlighted the importance of combining colors with natural elements and of workers' participation in choosing the colors of the environment. The review concluded that the appropriate choice of colors can optimize the work environment, increasing employee satisfaction and productivity. However, the research identified the need for further studies to deepen the understanding of the complexity of the relationship between colors and human behavior in the work context.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Patrícia Layne Nere da Silva, Clovis de Medeiros Bezerra, Maria Gorete Felipe, Silvagner Adolfo Veríssimo (Autor/in)

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