Navigating the Intersection Bioethics, Legislation, and Emerging Technologies in Health
Bioethics. Legislation. Emerging Technologies.Abstract
This paper explores the intersection between bioethics, legislation, and emerging technologies in health, highlighting the ethical and regulatory challenges that accompany technological advancements in this field. The central problem investigated is how to ensure that technological innovations in health are developed and implemented in an ethically and legally responsible manner, respecting patient autonomy, transparency, and fairness. The main objective is to analyze the relationship between technological advancements in health and their ethical and legal implications, seeking to propose solutions to the identified challenges. The analysis draws on studies by Amaral et al. (2020), Loureiro, Brey, and Nunes (2023), among others, emphasizing the need for specific bioethical regulations and the adaptation of existing legislation. The final considerations stress the importance of a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to address these challenges, promoting ongoing dialogue among various stakeholders. This study underscores the need for continuous reflection on ethical and regulatory issues, aiming to develop a medical practice that benefits all in a fair and equitable manner.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Sueli Coêlho, André Vitor Coêlho, Hanna Lisy Pires Coêlho, Ítalo Martins Lôbo, Margarete Farias Leite (Autor/in)
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