Coaching; Carrier, studants, Technical Course, Graduation.Abstract
The present article introduce a study about the diferents marketing theories and the aplications of tools in elaboration of promotional campaign to the Coaching de Carreira 4.0. It was a literature review of qualitative way, with the objective of identify the principals concepts about the subject underway and its applicability to proposed work. The study provided a conceptual analysis of principals contents of Marketing for Executives subject, allowing to identify the existing relationships between these concepts and the product promotion proposal to future clients in technical schools and universities that offer presential and e-learnig graduation. Presents the main media that will be used to promote the carrier coaching and the several used environments to position the product in Market. It innovates when proposing a new concept to coaching, considering the different used strategies to develop studants of multidisciplinar form with focus in inovation and experience in highly technological organizations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jerry Antonio Raitz Maier, Hugo Silva Ferreira (Autor/in)
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