Linguistic performance turnover and phenomenology in perspective
Phenomenology, Linguistic turn of the performance, Musical Imagination, reative Process (“poíesis”), Music makingAbstract
In this article, we outline a proposal to approach the linguistic turn of performance with the method of scientifi c investigation or phenomenological epistemological paradigm. In fact, we launch a substantive hypothesis based on possible correlations between the plans considered in the aforementioned proposition of an epistemological nature. These supposed correspondences may be confi rmed or invalidated in the fi nal considerations of this work. We investigate the possible interfaces between the spheres under study through the analytical-descriptive method based on a literature review. The Musical Imagination, represented by the phenomenon of the creative impulse of the Creative Process (“poíesis”) embodied in the musical improvisation verifi ed in music making or sound making, is permeated by the sphere of the Linguistic Turn of Performance in a reciprocal, collaborative, and mutual way with the aim of to promote artistic-cultural action in its linguistic-communicative integrality.