Spirituality and health of medicine students






Spirituality Medicine Study


Spirituality has been linked to medicine since ancient times, but over time beliefs about spirituality were replaced by scientism and technicality. In the field of medicine, this impact was very significant, because the act of caring is essential, and this care was gradually lost.Recent studies such as the one by ATARI et al., (2020) have been evaluating the effects of adopting spiritual practices such as mindfulness meditation by university students and have observed various types of benefits in mental health, body relaxation, sleep quality, self-knowledge and well-being. be.This study aimed to analyze the possible relationship between spiritual practice and the emotional stability of young people and how spirituality can contribute to the strengthening of medical students who have just entered the course and the challenge of preparing for admission exams. This is known to be a phase of a lot of pressure and anguish, given the wide competition and stress of the candidates, as well as showing the students’ relationship with spiritual or spiritual practices.A quantitative-descriptive study was carried out with 123 students entering the Medicine course who attended the 1st and 2nd semester of the years 2020 and 2021. Data were collected through a Google Forms questionnaire, with  multiple-choice questions and the term of consent for data collection. Then, the data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel for the stratification of responses and interpretation of results.Of the students who answered that they practice some spiritual activity or meditation linked to spirituality, there was a discrepancy: 23.39% of them managed to keep their focus on studies and managed well the pressure of the entrance exam against 12.9% of the group that does not practice any spiritualist activity. or declared himself an atheist.Another parallel is that the non-practicing group totaled 34.68% of them reported a lot of difficulty under the pressure of vestibular exams against only 19.85% of the group that had a life with regular activity and spiritual connection.The observed data infer that women, are more involved with religious practices ,but due to the small sample of man,any conclusion regarding gender was discarded.In conclusion,we can say that the results obtained in the study suggest that it is possible to have in spirituality a resource to assist in emotional management and maintain focus on studies,since the data allow associiating a direct relationship between the practice of spirituality or (Faith) and the greater ability to withstand pressures such aas studies for entrance exams.


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How to Cite

BORGES, HELOISA RIBEIRO; MARCHI, EVALDO. Spirituality and health of medicine students. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.535. Disponível em: https://submissoesrevistacientificaosaber.com/index.php/rcmos/article/view/535.. Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.

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