Inclusive education. Deficiency. Child education. Challenges. Benefits.Abstract
(This article is a literature review, based on several works produced on the theme developed, which is the process of inclusion in early childhood education. The general objective of this work is to debate the inclusion process developed within early childhood education, emphasizing the challenges and possibilities arising from this. The specific objective is to: define the concept of inclusive education; discuss the challenges that the inclusion process can bring to students in early childhood education; and point out the benefits of this practice for the student’s development. The work is justified by the need to increasingly highlight the challenges that are faced in the process of inclusion in early childhood education, and show the benefits arising from this process, as when starting the inclusion process already in the first stage of schooling, not only Not only the child included, but the entire class will benefit. The work is organized into three different subtopics, the first of which is intended to present the concept of inclusive education. The following subtopic presents the main challenges that early childhood education teachers face in their daily lives in order to develop inclusive education. Concluding with the presentation of the benefits provided not only for students with disabilities, but for all their colleagues, when inclusive education is achieved at this stage of teaching.
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