The Impact of Social Media on the Learning Process


  • Fábio Henrique Macedo Author



Social networks; Learning; Teaching.


This paper aims to highlighthow social networks havebeenimpactingstudent learning, as well as establishing an understanding of the mainaspectsrelated to the use of social networks in educationalroutines. The study’s general objective is to describe the impactgenerated by social networks on the learning process. As for the specificobjectives, these are: to highlight the mainaspects of digital tools; to present the essential points of learning together with the use of social media; to analyze the impact of social networks within the learning process. In the methodologicalfield, a literature review was carried out, highlighting some of the mainconcepts and analyses of renownedauthors in the educationalfield, basedmainly on books, articles and dissertationspublished over the last 12 years. It canbeseen that the use of technologicalapplications in the educationalroutine and schoolknowledge is somethingvery common, requiring some care on the part of teachingprofessionals and students when using digital communities.


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How to Cite

MACEDO, Fábio Henrique. The Impact of Social Media on the Learning Process. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2024.634. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.

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