The playful approach in early childhood education as a tool to facilitate learning
Playful; Early Childhood Education; Pedagogical Resource; Didactic ToolAbstract
This article aims to highlight some benefits that can be observed with the use of playful activities in the early grades, with early childhood education being an ideal setting for this. As the first stage of basic education, early childhood education seeks the complete development of the child up to the age of 5, in their physical, psychological, intellectual, and social aspects, complementing the role of the family and society. (Art. 29, LDB) The main advantages of using playful activities in lessons as a pedagogical resource include promoting transformations in practice, making it more meaningful and engaging. Children become more motivated to learn, as games and play contribute to the development of various human skills. In this sense, using playful methods in the classroom can be a powerful mediation tool in the teaching and learning process in the early grades, where preschoolers can learn and have fun at the same time, making learning a pleasurable and enjoyable experience.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Grace Sherley Denny, Ivanise Nazaré Mendes (Autor/in)
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