Digital Equity in Brazilian Education: Challenges in Rural Schools

Digital Equity in Brazilian Education: Challenges in Rural Schools


  • Joelma Santana Reis da Silva Author
  • Maria Edite Ferreira Author
  • Saulo Guimarães Santos Author
  • Dayvison Bandeira de Moura Author



Digital Access, Artificial Intelligence, Rural Education, Teaching, Educational Resources.


This article presents reflections on the obstacles to digital access and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Brazilian education, focusing on its applicability in rural schools. Understanding the suitability of this perspective in pedagogical processes, given the specificities inherent to the common purpose of the Rural Education Policy, highlights the necessity of this study. The concern arises from the fact that this theme was linked to a discipline in the Doctorate in Educational Sciences: Technological Innovations and Education, relating it to an object of study in the process of delimitation and foundation, which is connected to Rural Education. It is essential to observe that the implementation of technologies must be accessible to those involved in educational processes. However, there are challenges related to its universalization in Brazilian education that need to be assessed. Methodologically, a bibliographic review was conducted following the conceptualization of Marconi and Lakatos (2003; 2017). Regarding Artificial Intelligence, reflective bases include Viccari (2023), Tavares (2021), Coutinho (2020), and CIEB - TECHNICAL NOTES #16 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION (USP). Temporally, this study was carried out in January 2025, in Asunción, Paraguay, at the headquarters of Universidad Del Sol. The results indicate that Brazilian education still lacks the necessary conditions for the proper adoption of this perspective in educational processes, given existing obstacles.


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Author Biographies

  • Joelma Santana Reis da Silva

     - Universidad Del Sol - PY

  • Maria Edite Ferreira

    - Universidad Del Sol - PY

  • Saulo Guimarães Santos

     -Universidad Del Sol -PY

  • Dayvison Bandeira de Moura

    Orientador: Profº Dr. Universidad Americana - PY


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, Joelma Santana Reis; FERREIRA, Maria Edite; SANTOS, Saulo Guimarães; DE MOURA, Dayvison Bandeira. Digital Equity in Brazilian Education: Challenges in Rural Schools: Digital Equity in Brazilian Education: Challenges in Rural Schools. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal The Knowledge, Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, 2025. DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v1i1.2025.874. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.

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